Tuesday, October 03, 2006

At Torbay Beach

A photographic moment spans fractions of a second. As painters of light we distill our subject from all the world before us. Thus, we create our art.


  1. Such an aqua color to the sea water there!

  2. Hey John:
    A photo moment for me will always be a surprise... that I like to tinker with. This may be due to my inability to see as well as I used to. I sure do like the way you compose and preserve your subjects!
    Sincerely, KennethF

  3. Anonymous9:46 AM

    Hi JOhn,
    Great work,WOW!!! Great pictures. your neighbor told me about your blog, I have to tell others now.Agnes

  4. I just discovered your blog and I'm very impressed with your work. All you photos look like paintings. I love them all. Great work.
